It was raining buckets! I drove to a near empty car park and there it was – a bird in a puddle – just sitting in the wet, in the pouring rain. It moved aside a little as my threatening vehicle passed but promptly returned to its puddle when I was at a safe distance. Read More …
I love the freedom to write!
If Bach were alive today, what would his song-writing critique be? Your pieces are too long and too complicated. Make it easier for musicians to cope with. Where is your chorus? It’s not congregational. You have a good tune but it’s rather cluttered. I’ll shut up – before the classical musicians disown me! My point Read More …
Worn Out! Just Functioning!
Housework Housework is not my favourite occupation. It is inevitability! There is a meal to cook, but when you have done it there are pots to wash, and before you can start on it there is shopping to do, and it all starts again the next day. The kitchen floor is clean – until someone Read More …
Information Overload!
Stress! Panic! Pressure! Today I am suffering from information overload. There is so much I need to find out. One piece of information just seems to lead to another question and suddenly I am lost in a maze. It is all too much to absorb. I need time. I need to lose the sense of Read More …
The Smallest Seed
Let us look at the parable of the mustard seed. Matthew 13. The seed is tiny but grows to be the biggest tree. The kingdom which is never ending will grow on a huge scale. People won’t be able to avoid seeing it – yet the mustard seed is different. Tiny! We can make a Read More …
Watch. Anticipate. Can you feel it growing?
In the parable of the yeast, a woman is baking bread. (Matthew 13) It is an ordinary event. The illustration is over in a moment. It is up to us to interpret this picture. Bread-making can be frustrating. Even though you anticipate the outcome there is a waiting period. You must wait for the yeast Read More …
Rooted in the Church
Get roots! Roots grow deep. Roots are difficult to pull up. In the parable of the sower, the seeds on good soil grow. It would be an odd action indeed – to dig up these seeds and try patch after patch! If you are serious, get roots. They feed you. They strengthen you. Did you Read More …
Building together with unity, commitment and co-operation
Having been on a short mime course and wanting to put into practice some techniques I had learned, I decided to write a mime based on Nehemiah – which has now become the finale of Rubble & the Rock. (By the way, take yourself seriously and invest in your development!) I found myself fascinated by Read More …
Stories reach the heart
Jesus used parables – stories. In Matthew 13 he had spoken to a large crowd. The crowd had gathered round him. We can presume they wanted to see Jesus and were at least curious as to who he was and what he could do. You might say they were ‘just looking.’ He told them many Read More …
Work! Work! Work!
There is a big pull from this world to demand all your time and lock you into signing it away. It seems that it is not enough to have a job anymore. You must be dedicated enough to do what seems to be compulsory overtime. You must do the job and also complete training – Read More …