
On this page you will find resources for Arts-based SMSC Education.

Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools and education settings, awarded by Arts Council England, recognising their commitment to high quality arts and cultural education.

Praisepen is proud to be supporting schools and education settings on their Artsmark journey, inspiring children and young people to create, experience, and participate in great arts and culture.

I offer to education settings who are working towards, or currently hold an Artsmark Award, a series of free downloads that you could be used in your Curriculum Design to help you in your Artsmark Journey.

I have taught for three decades: GCSE English, GCSE English Literature, GCSE Drama and KS3 Music. Many years were taught in a Christian School where Spiritual content was embedded into the curriculum.

For Year 9 I enclose a work-scheme and power-point based on Dead Poets Society. This is strong on SMSC content and also links to English Literature and Drama work. With the constraints of trying to get through the English curriculum I almost (regrettably) felt that I could not justify giving the time to this scheme anymore …. but with the new emphasis placed on Health and Well-being, as well as SMSC I feel that this work-scheme has become justified and relevant once more. I aimed at Year 9 to avoid taking up Year 10 GCSE time. However, the scheme includes some GCSE material and is highly likely to be able to link to the GCSE English curriculum in your school. The Under Pressure script is a look at peer-pressure, bullying, manipulation.

Dead Poets Society lesson plans

Dead Poets Society sow

Dead Poets Society ppt

Under Pressure script

Aim Low lesson plan

Aim Low Script

Not quite shakespeare Mac1

Not quite Shakespeare Mac2

Not quite Shakespeare Mac3

Not Quite Shakespeare Journal Lady M

The Price is Paid

Macbeth SMSC

Macbeth sow smsc

praisepen lesson plan

Artsmark Linking Macbeth with Lord of the Flies

Artsmark Partner Risk Assessment form

Aiming at year 6, 7 and 8, I have a horse-race script for pupils to consider their Attitude to Learning, using Drama to support Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education. (I have even seen a teacher link this script to P.E!)

The Not Quite Shakespeare Company presents…tongue-in-cheek scripts that are accessible and entertaining for Drama, bringing out the story and themes quickly. Useful for year 8 or year 9. These raise the issue of conscience and well-being. They are cross-curricular, fitting into Drama, English and Religious Studies. They should be supplemented with the Sleepwalking Scene and Macbeth’s “Full of scorpions is my mind” speech.

Having taught Lord of the Flies, I have put together a Linking List that could be used for revision or as a discussion aid for SMSC, raising the British Value topic of personal responsibility in both books.

For KS2 Year 6 I have worked on Romeo & Juliet, writing two scripts. Prologue Plus is the Prologue expanded upon by a group of people acting out a summary of the show. It also incorporates drama techniques to develop skills. The second sketch ‘A Bad Week’ shows the extreme emotions of the teenagers. If teachers want to link this to emotional well-being, I have linked the set to William Blake’s ‘A Poison Tree.’ The set can be used for Arts Award Explore but if you have Year 6 pupils who have reached age 11, this could be used for Arts Award Bronze. Alternatively, it would be suitable for KS3 in order to aim for Arts Award Bronze.

Find out more about Artsmark at

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