Just Start! The first script I wrote for church was very simple; four characters making individual speeches (practically monologues), linked by a narrator. It was very static – characters standing or sitting. There was no movement and no interaction! Very simple – but it was the small beginning that led to years of drama work. Read More …
Author: Pat Moore
Free Indeed!
Bound, chained, brought low, we trembled for what was to come. We knew it all. In our hearts we had already condemned ourselves – our deeds, our thoughts. Now we would pay. The Law of Sin and Death was seated at the table, pouring over several scrolls. Life was in his hands – and he Read More …
Reach One!
I have noticed that people hold on to writing. If you give someone a poem or some lines meant for them, they seem to keep the paper safe somewhere. Just think! You could write a psalm, a poem, a story and give it to one person. Who would it be relevant to? Who would you Read More …
Danger – Men at Work!
I stand at the window, looking at rubble! Outside is a building site -literally! I see workers with hard hats, cranes, spades, stacks, stones… They are building. I also see artistic stones, beautiful paving, curved steps, stylised walls prepared soil and the arrival of plants. I see the plan forming. What they are building will Read More …