Song of Moses: Exodus 15
The people sang this song after being freed from slavery; walking through a miracle and seeing the sea engulf their enemies.
They were not just being pursued, but pursued by the best – the king’s best officers. You could call it the organised enemy, the efficient enemy, the focussed enemy.
The chorus of this song (repeated part) is about being rescued from a powerful (vindictive) enemy:
a song of rescue
a song of miracles
a song of what they had seen and what they knew
a testimony in song.
The Lord – is a warrior! I can imagine this one line sung over and over to the sound of drums. That alone gives the impression of a great and mighty God, victorious, overthrowing the enemy, breaking through strongholds, advancing.
The king, the chariots, the best officers were unable to prevent miracles, unable to stop God’s plan, unable to restrain a blessing however much effort they put into it.
In fact, you could say they were in deep water!
If you were to write your latest testimony in song, what would your chorus be?