At this time of year many of us look back and feel sad or frustrated.
We think about what we have lost, what opportunities we were just not quick enough to seize and what we just didn’t get right. Our resolutions might have failed, things are no different and we are just more tired. We spend time with others and we are pleased that they are so happy but inwardly it makes us feel even more like failures. We isolate ourselves in an attempt to avoid comparing ourselves with others and to avoid rejection or spoiling the moods of others, but that doesn’t work either.
We feel even more alone.
We start to think it’s all too late – that we missed the boat. Even now, in our minds, we see the ship sailing and we wave our arms in the air to let them know that we are still on the shore but no-one has spotted us. We seem to be stuck in no man’s land.
If this rings any bells with anyone, it is time to stop looking back. When Lot’s wife looked back at her old life, at the devastation, she turned into a pillar of salt and was unable to move forward.
God knows the plans He has for you – to prosper you – to give you a future. (Jeremiah 31)
He can use what has happened in your past to help others. No experience is wasted or without use in the hands of the King, but to focus on the failures is non-productive. The ship has not sailed. It can’t sail without you. You are one of the crew.
Many people will be setting New Year resolutions. Let’s make a resolution to stop looking back and start to look forward with God’s vision for our lives.
May this be a year when you are secure in who you are, where you are and what you have been commissioned to do.
Sarah Davey